Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Languages and Language Diversity

1.There are many different writing Systems to The English language uses the Roman alphabet.
2. A dermatologist is a doctor who Specialize in problems of the skin.
3. The United states is divide into fifty states .
4. In the Past fifty years the population of the world has in creased rapidly.
5 Can I borrow your pen for just a minute?
6. It much easier to form wet snow into balls than to use dry snow .
7. In some countries students refer to their professors by their first names.
8. Noam Chomsky, a professor at MIT, is one of the most famous linguist in the world.
9.A team of workers can build a car at a faster rate than people working alone .
10. The word diversity has nine caracter

B Vocabulary

rate, estimate, meaningful, bilingual,
brain, specialist, reference, divide
past, system, characters, linguistics

1. The best way to become bilingual is to live in a foreign country.
2. His friends began to worry about him when ha said that there was no longer anything meaningful in his life .
3. If you want to study how people learn language , you should take a linguistic course.
4.Motorcyclists wear helmets to prevent brain injury in an accident.
5. I don't know the exact population of my city , but I estimate that there are about 2 million people.
6.My dentist said that I need to go to a specialist get my tooth fixed.
7.During the president's speech , she made reference to an important new medical student.
8. The computer system for the whole office was down for two days .
9. When you exercise your heart rate goes up.
10. we had a large class that the instructor had to divide it up into three groups.

C. Vocabulary Review; Antonyms

1>harmless calm
2>intructor student
3>once in a while often
4> lift drop
5>maybe certainly
6>terrify fear
7> empty full
8> positive negative
9>demand request
10>take off land

E . Comprehension Questions.
1. What is the definition of a language?
A language is a system of sounds gestures or character used to communicate All language have rules for forming words and for ordering those words into meaningful senteces .
2.what is a sing language? Many hearing - impaired people use sign language in which gestures do the work of the sound system of spoken language.
3.In English , the basic order of words in a sentence is subject verb object. What is the basic order of words in your first language? The first language in spanish is subject verb object.

4. What is an example of a borrowed word?
People invent new words for their language borrow words from other languages and change the meanings of words as neede
5.What is an example of an invented word?People invented new words the borrow the other languages.people invented new word they borrrow the other language.
6. What is one difference between the v Austronesian language Family and the Indo-European language family?The autronesia language. The authronesian language family have 500 words and Indo-european language family have 150 words.
7. Why is it useful to group language into family? so that the people of the family can be included and understood for there own language.
8.Should we try to keep language alive ? Why or why not? why because so that they were possible to be include and under stood the one to other . 9Why is it more difficul for adults than children to learn a second language? because the adults they stay with their ideas of of their country and the kids started learning there second language so easy.

F parapharasing .
1. There are about 150 american indian language spoken today . These languages have many differences among them and have been divided into more fifty language family.
Today 50% of the word population speaks one of the stop fifteen language the word's most common language is mandarin Chinese , which has more than 1 billion speaker.
2. Most children learn their first language easily and sometimes other language as well .adults often must work harder at learning a second language.well adults often must work harder at learning a second language Recent research indicates that a chold's brain actually lear a new language differently than an adults 's brain does.

G. Main Idea
1.write a sentence for the main idea for paragraph 4(line 19-27)
Thatthey have to borrow some different language and some words come from different country and from different .
2. write sentence for the main idea for paragraph 7(lines46-51)
Today 50% of the world 's population speaks one of the stop fifteenlanguage the world most common language in mandarin chinese which has more than 1 billion speaker English is the international language for science and business

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